Sexual Health Education
SPS Sexual Health Education
“Sexual health education is a critical component of comprehensive health education that helps students develop knowledge and skills needed to become successful learners and healthy and productive adults.” WA Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI)
The Washington Legislature found that “young people should have the knowledge and skills necessary to build healthy relationships, and to protect themselves from unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV infection.
The primary responsibility for sexual health education is with parents and guardians. However, this responsibility also extends to schools and other community groups. It is in the public’s best interest to ensure that young people are equipped with medically and scientifically accurate, age-appropriate information that will help them avoid unintended pregnancies, remain free of sexually transmitted diseases, and make informed, responsible decisions throughout their lives.”
Parents/guardians may preview sexual health materials and may opt their student out of specific topics by contacting the classroom teacher.
Seattle Public Schools supports sexual health education that:
- Builds positive attitudes and skills needed to reduce rates of pregnancy, STDs and sexual violence
- Encourages family communication
- Respects diverse community values
Sexual Health Education prepares students to:
- Understand the changes that happen during puberty
- Abstain from sex
- Use condoms and birth control when they do have sex
- Build skills to have healthy relationships
- Ask for consent to engage in sexual activity and respect the boundaries of their partner
- Communicate with their family about sexual health and dating
- Make decisions that minimize risk to their sexual health
- Seek medical care in order to take care of their reproductive health
- Intervene or support when someone is being harmed
- Know how to access community resources
New Washington State Law on Comprehensive Sexual Health Education
The WA Comprehensive Sexual Health Education (CSHE) Law (RCW 28A.300.475) passed by the Legislature and Washington voters in 2020 requires all public schools to provide comprehensive sexual health education by the 2022–23 school year. The curriculum, instruction, and materials must be medically and scientifically accurate, age-appropriate, and inclusive of all students.
The new state law does not require major changes to what is already being taught in Seattle Public Schools. There are some parts of the law that will shift what or when content is taught. This includes an emphasis on social emotional learning, sexual abuse prevention, affirmative consent education, and bystander training. Affirmative consent is the clear, voluntary, and informed indication that, through words or actions, a person is giving permission for a specific activity. While the law defines affirmative consent in relation to sexual activity, consent applies to many types of situations and interpersonal interactions. Our instruction will be age-appropriate and relevant.
SPS will teach sexual health education in accordance with the law, and aligned to Washington State Health Education standards. SPS will keep the community updated as changes are made. As always, parents and guardians have the opportunity to review the curriculum and opt their child out of certain content areas if they choose.
Lessons Taught in Seattle Public Schools
In grades 4 and 5, we use the WA OSPI approved and board-adopted FLASH curriculum and supplemental materials created by Seattle Public Schools in partnership with Harborview Abuse & Trauma Center of UW Medicine. Middle school students receive sexual health education (FLASH and supplemental materials) in science classes in grades, 6, 7, and 8.
In alignment with School Board Action, which states that health education classes required for graduation shall be offered at 9th grade, high school students receive a semester of health class, covering a range of health content reflected in the Washington State Health Education Standards. These standards include content related to Wellness, Safety, Nutrition, Sexual Health, Social-Emotional Health, and Substance Use and Abuse.
Parent/Guardian Preview
Parents and guardians are invited to watch the following video overview of Sexual Health Education in Seattle Public Schools.
- English Sexual Health Education in SPS
- Amharic Sexual Health Education in SPS
- Chinese Sexual Health Education in SPS
- Spanish Sexual Health Education in SPS
- Vietnamese Sexual Health Education in SPS
We invite parents and guardians to preview lesson materials by grade level posted below. Schools may choose to include additional district approved supplemental materials, such as speakers or videos, in order to reinforce the concepts contained in the lessons below.
After reviewing materials, parents/guardians may opt their student out of lessons by submitting a waiver form to their child’s teacher. Sexual Health Education – Student Waiver Form.
Talking to Your Kids about Sexual Health
Talking to Your Kids About Sexual Health Live Event Recording from May 25, 2021.
This 30 minute video covers simple tips for talking about topics like gender, puberty, and consent in ways that are developmentally appropriate and true to your family’s values.
Below are tips for caregivers.
Questions for Caregivers and Children to Ask about Growing Up
Questions for Kids to Ask Caregivers
- What do you look for in a friend?
- Did you have crushes when you were my age?
- What changes do you remember at puberty?
- Did your body grow and change at the same time as your friends? How did that make you feel?
- Who did you talk to friendship, crushes, or puberty when you were my age? How did those conversations feel?
- What do you think is special about you? What do you like best about your body?
- What I think is special about you is…
Questions for Caregivers to Ask Kids
- Who are some of your friends and what do you like about being around them?
- What things would help you feel more comfortable when talking with me about growing up?
- What other adults would you feel comfortable talking with if I wasn’t available?
- What is exciting about growing up?
- What, if anything is scary about growing up?
- What do you think is special about you? What do you like best about your body?
- What I think is special about you is…