Seattle Public Schools

June 2, 2021 – Regular Board Meeting

Agenda Final Post
Regular Legislative Session

Wednesday, June 2, 2021, 3:30 p.m.

Board of Directors
Meeting to be held remotely

IMPORTANT NOTE: This meeting will be held remotely per the Governor’s proclamation allowing public agencies to conduct meetings subject to the Open Public Meetings Act remotely to curtail the spread of COVID-19.

The meeting will be live streamed on SPSTV via YouTube and broadcast on television on Comcast 26 (standard-def) and 319 (hi-def), Wave 26 (standard-def) and 695 (hi-def), and Century Link 8008 (standard-def) and 8508 (hi-def).

To listen by phone, dial 206-800-4125 and use Conference ID 385 327 198#. This phone number and Conference ID will also be used by those who sign up to provide public testimony through the process described on the Agenda below.

I. Call to Order – 3:30 p.m.

  1. General Welcome Announcement to Audience
  2. Roll Call

II.Superintendent Comments

III.Student Comments

  • Lincoln High School

IV.Business Action Items

A. Proclamation Recognizing the First Friday in June as National Gun Violence Awareness Day (Introduction & Action)

B. Consent Agenda

  1. Minutes of the April 28, 2021 Work Sessions May 4, 2021 Work Session May 19, 2021 Regular Board Meeting
  2. Personnel Report
  3. Updating Board Procedure No. 3520BP to Increase Student Meal Prices for the 2021-22 School Year (A&F, May 10, for approval) Approval of this item would amend Board Procedure No. 3520BP as attached to the board action report to authorize a $.25 increase in student meal prices starting with the 2021-22 school year, as follows: Elementary Breakfast $2.25 (an increase from $2.00), Secondary Breakfast $2.50 (an increase from $2.25), Elementary Lunch $3.25 (an increase from ($3.00), Secondary Lunch $3.50 (an increase from $3.25).
  4. Approval of Satterberg Foundation Elementary Feeder School Grant (May 11, SSC&I, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to accept the Satterberg Foundation Elementary Feeder School Grant funds in the amount of $950,000.
  5. Approval of the contract with InterVision for WiFi 6 upgrade in secondary school buildings (Ops, May 6, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute a contract with InterVision up to an amount of $2,335,047, not including sales tax, for wireless installation and equipment in the form of the draft Agreement attached to the School Board Action Report, with any minor additions, deletions, and modifications deemed necessary by the Superintendent, and to take any necessary actions to implement the contract.
  6. BEX V: West Seattle Elementary School/Walt Hundley Playfield Property Exchange with City of Seattle Parks and Recreation Department  (Ops, May 6, for approval) Approval of this item would authorize the Superintendent to execute an agreement with the City of Seattle to exchange 35,495 square feet of Seattle Public Schools property located at West Seattle Elementary School currently utilized as the Walt Hundley Playfield in return for 35,495 square feet of City of Seattle Parks and Recreation Department property located at Walt Hundley Playfield.
  7. Green Lake Elementary Acceptance of Gift of Playground Improvements (Ops, May 6, for approval) Approval of this item would accept Green Lake Elementary PTA’s gift of an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessible playground ramp and hillside improvements, as described in the Board Action Report. (Updated Since Introduction)
  8. BEX V: Approval of the site-specific Educational Specifications for the Van Asselt School Addition project (Ops, May 6, for approval) Approval of this item would approve the Site-Specific Educational Specifications dated March 2021 for the Van Asselt School Addition project.
  9. BEX V: Approval of the Site-Specific Educational Specifications for the Rainier Beach High School Replacement project (Ops, May 6, for approval) Approval of this item would approve the Site-Specific Educational Specifications dated January 29, 2021, for the Rainier Beach High School project.
  10. BEX V: Approval of the Value Engineering Report for the Van Asselt School Addition project (Ops, May 6, for approval) Approval of this item would approve the Value Engineering Report dated December 11, 2020, for the BEX V Van Asselt School Addition project, as attached to the Board Action Report.
  11. BEX V, School Construction Assistance Program (SCAP) & Distressed School Grant: Approval of the Constructability Reports for Kimball, James Baldwin, and Viewlands Elementary Schools replacement projects (Ops, May 6, for approval) Approval of this item would approve the Kimball Elementary School Constructability Report by MENG Analysis dated February 19, 2021; the James Baldwin Elementary School Constructability Report by LRC Consultants, Inc. dated April 5, 2021; and the Viewlands Elementary School Constructability Report by MENG Analysis dated April 5, 2021, as complete.

C. Items Removed from the Consent Agenda

V.Public Testimony – 3:45 p.m.

Members of the public who wish to address the board by teleconference may sign up to do so by e-mailing the School Board Officeor calling (206) 252-0040, beginning Monday, May 31, 2021, at 8:00 a.m. even though the Board Office will be closed for the holiday. The public testimony list will be posted Tuesday, June 1, 2021. Those who are placed on the posted public testimony list may provide their testimony by dialing 206-800-4125 and using Conference ID 385 327 198# . For information on how the public testimony list is created, please visit the Board’s website

Order Name Topic
1Laniyah FlightLincoln High School
2Helin TaskesenAdding MENA to Seattle Public School surveys. MENA stands for Middle Eastern North African.
3Chris Jackins1) Board Agenda 2) Satterberg Grant 3) WiFi Upgrade 4) Rainier Beach Specification 5) Constructability Reports 6) WS Parcel Exchange 7) Plans for next fall
4Sherry GarmanWould like to vote no on James Baldwin Elementary Project and wish to object to policy of Board making decisions without receiving public input.
5Janis Whiterecovery services for students with IEPs.
6Brian DuncanBoard Proclamation on National Gun Violence Awareness Day
7Karyn BrownsonBoard Proclamation on National Gun Violence Awareness Day

VI. Board Committee Reports

VII.Business Action Items (Continued)

D. Action Items

  1. Resolution No. 2020/21-29, Signatures of Authorized District Personnel for State Aid Programs Approval of this item would adopt Resolution No. 2020/21-29, superseding Resolution No. 2020/21-26, in order to authorize Dr. Brent C. Jones, Interim Superintendent; Robert Gannon, Deputy Superintendent; JoLynn Berge, Chief Financial Officer; Fred Podesta, Chief Operations Officer, and Richard Best, Director of Capital Projects and Planning, to sign state funding assistance documents per WAC 392-344-120. Immediate action is in the best interest of the district. (Introduction & Action)

VIII.Board Comments

Comments will be limited to two minutes per Director

IX. Adjourn – 7:30 p.m.

Calendar Reminders

A complete list of upcoming Board meetings and Director community meetings can be found on the School Board calendar website. If you have any questions, please contact the School Board Office at 206-252-0040.