Seattle Public Schools

5202 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Mandated Drug and Alcohol Testing Program

The Board of Directors directs the Superintendent to verify that any vendor with which the district contracts for its transportation services has established programs and procedures as mandated by, and in accordance with, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) controlled substances and alcohol testing rules. Those programs and procedures shall include testing requirements, education, training, and referral services. 

District employees who possess a commercial driver’s license (CDL) as part of their job responsibilities shall abide by the appropriate regulations found within the collective bargaining agreement. It is the responsibility of the district supervisor to inform the employee possessing the CDL of all relevant collective bargaining agreement procedures regarding prohibited activities.  

In the event that the district hires a non-represented employee possessing a CDL as part of his or her job responsibilities, the Superintendent is authorized to develop guidelines regarding prohibited activities.