SPS Student Devices
Summary : Seattle Public Schools provides student devices during the school year to support classroom instruction.

SPS Technology Services Updates and Reminders for 2024-25
SPS Student iPads and Laptops
To support classroom learning, testing, and the possibility of remote learning, every student will be issued an SPS device. We’re pleased to announce that, once again, SPS will not be collecting an upfront fee for repairs on student devices.
Each school will inform families and students of their specific laptop distribution schedule.
All students will need to complete and return a signed SPS Parent/Guardian Device Agreement Form prior to or upon device pick up. For iPads, parents or guardians will need to sign the Network Use Agreement. For reference, you may view the SPS device agreement forms.
- iPads are for students in PreK through 2nd Grade.
- Laptops are for students in 3rd through 12th Grade.
Student Use of Personal Device Policy: Starting this year, only SPS-provided laptops or tablets will be allowed for classroom learning. Personal devices may still be used outside of classroom learning. Read more about this important update.
SPS Hotspots Issued Last School Year: If you still have a hotspot from the previous school year or from summer school, these hotspots will soon be disabled. If you need a hotspot to help with internet connection at home for this school year, please talk with your school’s admin team or your school counselor.
Restart Your Device Regularly: Restarting your device daily allows the SPS device (laptop or iPad) to process updates, policy changes, or security changes that are needed to keep your device running smoothly. This practice will resolve most issues.
Password Security: For enhanced security, please consider setting a new, complex password at your initial login this fall.
Please talk to your school if you have any questions or concerns about internet connectivity at home and/or regarding your student’s assigned device.
Families will find more information and resources on our Technology Supports for Families webpage.
We’re excited to welcome you back and look forward to a great school year!