Seattle Public Schools

Student Family Portal

2161 Special Education

It is the policy of the Seattle School Board to provide a free, appropriate public education to all eligible students with disabilities from ages 3 until graduation from high school with a regular high school diploma, or through the age of 21, in a manner that comports with federal and state law and regulations and that is in accordance with the student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) and Transition Plan.

Seattle Public Schools is committed to providing programs and services to eligible students that support their full participation in learning experiences in their least restrictive environment and which result in student development of skills and understandings needed to access postsecondary education, vocational training, employment, and independent living. Programs and services are identified in students’ IEP and are based upon evaluative data. Parents/guardians and staff work collaboratively through the IEP team process to develop and deliver educational programs as well as to monitor student progress. As stated in Policy No. 0010, Instructional Philosophy, the District will serve students with disabilities as general education students first and provide the services and supports in accordance with their Individualized Education Programs as required. 

Seattle Public Schools will conduct Child Find activities in accordance with all applicable state and federal regulations that are calculated to reach all students with a suspected disability and in need of receiving special education and related services. As stated in Policy No. 0030, Ensuring Educational and Racial Equity, the District is committed to eliminating racial disproportionality in all aspects of education, and to raising the achievement of all students, while narrowing the gaps between the lowest and highest performing students. This includes students with disabilities.

Further, it is the policy of the Seattle School Board to ensure that the parent/ guardian of a special education student will be informed of actions proposed in regard to identification, evaluation and placement of the student. Such information will be provided in accordance with state and federal regulations.