Seattle Public Schools

Learn-to-Ride PE Program

Summary: While in class, students are taught how to wear a bike helmet, navigate a bike, and ride safely with classmates.

Ruling the Road with All Kids Bike 

Kindergarteners at South Shore K-8 are learning to “rule the road” during the All Kids Bike Learn-to-Ride Physical Education (P.E.) program. The SPS students are the first in the district to pilot the program, which gives them the chance to learn basic bike skills.  

While in class, students are taught how to wear a bike helmet, navigate a bike, and ride safely with classmates. Students learn on Strider Learn-to-Ride balance bikes that are assembled without pedals.  

Adults help young students put on bike helmets in a school gym

“Learning how to ride a bike but not having the threatening parts of the pedal is important,” South Shore P.E. Teacher Anna Rabel said. “Students feel comfortable being on the bikes when there’s nothing that’s going to hit their feet on either side.”  

The All Kids Bike program at South Shore is funded by Kids Need Bikes and founder Thomas Hayes. The Seattle-based non-profit partners with local organizations to get bikes to children and youth in need.   

“We believe that everyone should have that opportunity to experience the freedom and the fun [of riding a bike],” said Kids Need Bikes board member Sara Rigel. “Whether that’s for fitness, getting to school or work, or just fun, riding a bike is really an essential life skill and we want to give every body an opportunity to learn.” 

All Kids Bike at South Shore will support the Let’s Go Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety pedestrian program that teaches students in grades 3-5 important bike and walking safety skills.  

“We find there’s still a lot of third graders, and actually there’s a lot of middle schoolers that still don’t know how to ride a bike,” said Jen Hendrickson, SPS Instruction Services P.E. Coach. “If we can get the K-2 group to have those basic skills to stride and balance, then when it comes to that third-grade level, they’ll be able to really practice those biking skills and put it all together.”  

Currently, the All Kids Bike program is in 520 schools across the United States. Lori Dunn, SPS Program Manager of P.E. and Health Literacy is excited for the future of All Kids Bike at SPS.  

Dunn said she’s looking forward to rolling out the program at many more schools, “The hope is if it’s in one school, it’s going to be in every school.”  

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