Seattle Public Schools

2185 Physical Education

It is the policy of the Seattle School Board that physical education is a core component of a school environment that promotes students’ health, well-being, and ability to learn, as well as mitigates education and health disparities.  

Therefore, all students shall experience a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Program (CSPAP) including: 1) the opportunity to learn the knowledge and skills needed to establish and maintain physically active lifestyles throughout childhood and adolescence and into adulthood; 2) opportunities to be physically active; 3) staff involvement; 4) family and community engagement; and 5) a culture of health and wellness in every school. 

The CSPAP program shall: 

  • Be taught by teachers who are certificated in Physical Education; 
  • Meet or exceed state Physical Education standards; 
  • Use a Board-adopted curricula; 
  • Include strong oversight at the school and district level; and 
  • Conduct on-going assessments of the program, teachers and students to assure the positive impact of the program  

Adapted physical education will be included as part of individual education plans for students with chronic health problems, other disabling conditions, or other special needs that preclude such student’s participation in regular physical education instruction or activities. 

In addition to state required minutes in physical education, elementary schools will have scheduled daily recess period(s) featuring time for unstructured, but supervised active play.