Seattle Public Schools

3231 Student Records

All activities involving student records, including the creation, content, maintenance, access, disclosure, transfer, use, retention, and destruction of student records, must follow applicable federal and state law and Seattle School District Board Policies and Superintendent Procedure 3231SP.  The district will maintain those student records necessary for the educational guidance and/or welfare of students, for orderly and efficient operation of schools, and as required by law. All information related to individual students will be treated in a confidential and professional manner. The district will use reasonable methods to ensure that teachers and other school officials obtain access to only those education records in which they have legitimate educational interests. 

Student records are the property of the district but will be available in an orderly and timely manner to parents, eligible students, and other individuals as specified in Superintendent Procedure 3231SP or as required by law.

Consistent with federal and state law, student records will be forwarded to other school agencies upon request. Parental or eligible student consent will be required before the district may release student records other than to a school agency or organization, except as otherwise provided by law.

The Superintendent is authorized to establish procedures governing the content, management and control of student records.